Galapagos Islands: life everywhere

Galapagos Islands: life everywhere

Why it's worth going to the Galapagos Islands with Skyship Adventure

Travel to the Galapagos - vacation in Ecuador

Birds with blue legs, iguanas with a sly squint and dozens more amazing characters.

In the Galapagos, it sometimes seems that I got into a cartoon: birds and animals look eccentric, behave cheekily and treat people quite calmly, because they have been living in a reserve mode for many decades and do not consider people enemies. But with all the relaxation of life here, it is after a trip to the Galapagos that you begin to perceive our planet as a completely fragile miracle, full of life and mysteries.

A handful of volcanic islands lost in the Pacific Ocean is a reserve not only for rare breeds of birds, marine mammals and reptiles, but also for the earth itself: here it can be seen as it was created, with minimal human intervention and his ambitions. From a geographical point of view, the Galapagos are 13 large islands, six smaller islands and countless micro—islands and rocks sticking out of the ocean.

It makes sense to go to the Galapagos not only for the sake of observing wildlife. The dramatic landscapes of the islands are also amazing.

Cacti grow directly from the frozen lava on the beaches of Fernardina Island, and sometimes on the same lava you can see huge flocks of marine iguanas, which quite cleverly disguise themselves under its anthracite folds. Sea lions are resting on the brick-red beaches of Rabida Island.

Getting to the Galapagos Islands is not easy, but with us you can do it in the most convenient way possible: on a luxury yacht or on a private plane. The best guides, a unique route to the most interesting islands, unforgettable impressions, stunning photos, the best restaurants — it is quite possible that a trip with us to the Galapagos Islands will divide your life into “before” and “after”.

Visa: not required for up to 90 days

Air temperature: +21C – +30C

Season: all year round

Duration: from 10 to 14 days

Currency: US Dollar

Flight duration: 35 hours with transfers

With us you will see

Urbina Bay

Black volcanic sand, a maddening riot of colors, imposing penguins, good—natured giant turtles, and the main attraction of the bay - huge, similar to ancient dinosaurs, land iguanas of incredible bright yellow color

Bartolome Island

We will take you to the top of the famous Pinnacle Rock, so that you can enjoy fantastic landscapes — as if descended from advertising postcards; we will ferry you on comfortable boats to a tiny beach with bright red sand, show you where you can watch the nests of the rarest green turtles and tell you where it is better to go diving in an unusual company of penguins and sea lions

santa cruz island

We will walk with you through the streets of the largest city of the archipelago — Puerto Ayora, so that you can admire the marine iguanas lazily basking in the sun, stroll through the local market, watching how seals and pelicans beg for fresh fish from traders, get acquainted with giant turtles at the Charles Darwin scientific station, have plenty to do surfing and diving, or just lying on the boiling white sand of Tortuga Bay, watching the little sharks frolicking in the waves of the Pacific Ocean

Rabid Island

We will show you a tiny, but world-famous island so that you can sunbathe on its "Martian" dark red beaches, walk along the shore of a salt lake, wander among bakut trees, watch flamingos and pelicans, get to know curious penguins and even take pictures with sea lions, imposingly sprawled on the burgundy sand

Volcano Wolf Canyon Mui Ne

We will take you to Isabela — the largest volcanic island of the archipelago, the only habitat of unique pink iguanas; we will show you fantastic "lunar" landscapes created by lava rivers and tunnels and take you to the highest point of the archipelago — Vulf volcano, in the giant crater of which there is a lake with a small island completely covered with volcanic pumice

Private tours to the Galapagos Islands