Kamchatka: legends of the earth

Kamchatka: legends of the earth

why it's worth going to Kamchatka with Skyship Adventure

Vacation in Kamchatka - a trip to the ends of the earth

It’s an amazing feeling when you fly for nine hours, as if to America, you land among the hills, and everyone is talking in Russian around you.

It is in Kamchatka that you feel especially acutely the scale of the country and, of course, the incredible power of the landscape. At the same time, the landscapes in Kamchatka are not as alien as, say, in Iceland. Once you get used to the fact that there are mountains around, and the ocean is around the corner, everything begins to seem familiar and familiar.

The valley of geysers, with all its splendor, is somewhat similar to a huge bathhouse, thermal baths of Paratunki, especially in the middle of a snowy winter – the most Russian entertainment that can only be imagined, the kekura rocks of Avacha Bay are like Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets.

And if you are lucky enough to see a brown bear in its natural habitat, it begins to seem that you have fallen into a Russian fairy tale.

Except that the hills sometimes resemble Japanese engravings — they really are cousins of Fujiyama and her neighbors.

Among other things, Kamchatka is rapidly becoming one of the main gastronomic regions of the country. People always came here for the red game, in recent years Kamchatka crab has again, for the first time since Soviet times, become a serious gastronomic brand.

But there are also scallops, sea urchins, venison, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, shiksha, honeysuckle, cloudberry, volcanic blueberry — the ocean and taiga give birth to a rich palette of flavors.

Visa: not required

Air temperature: -7°C – -20°C in winter; +10°C – +23°C in summer

Season: all year round

Duration: from 7 to 10 days

Currency: Russian Ruble

Flight duration: 9 hours without transfers

With us you will see

Valley of Geysers

We will show you one of the main wonders of Russia — the world-famous valley of geysers, so that you can watch the unique thermal springs scattered along the picturesque gorge boil, boil and explode with powerful jets of water and steam

Thermal springs

After hiking and excursions, it's so nice to immerse yourself in a healing spring — especially since you don't have to go far — there are more than 150 of them on the Kamchatka Peninsula!

Kuril Islands

We invite you to a unique expedition along the famous chain of volcanic islands, so that you can admire the blue surface of the ocean, black sand, white rocks, lush greenery of sea terraces and thermal springs, which were worshipped by the ancient Ainu

Ocean and river fishing

Here, in Kamchatka, even those who have never held a fishing rod in their hands before become avid fishermen! You don't even have to look for "fish" places: there is excellent biting on the peninsula at any time of the year, and the ocean and any river are overflowing with "living silver" — salmon, coho, halibut, pink salmon, sockeye salmon!


Kamchatka is a real paradise for gourmets! The most delicate scallops, smoked pink salmon, chum salmon and sockeye salmon, freshly caught squid and shrimp, delicious smelt, red caviar and, of course, the famous Kamchatka crabs — it's impossible to resist!

With us you will visit

Expedition to geyser volcanoes

There are about 300 volcanoes in Kamchatka and everyone needs their own approach! We will organize a walking, helicopter or jeep tour so that you can enjoy alien landscapes, look into lava caves, see the "dead forest" and cook dinner using the heat of the volcano

Heli-ski sources

Do you want to "taste" the real extreme? Then we invite you to do Heli-ski! In a comfortable helicopter we will take you to the hard-to-reach peaks, so that you can rush through the wild snow-covered slopes on skis or snowboarding, and get drunk from the incredible feeling of freedom and happiness!


Hiding in the thickets for hours to take one good picture? This is not about Kamchatka! Here animals and birds are happy to welcome guests! "Sunbathing" fur seals and antur, curious arctic foxes and fishing bears, colonies of birds and whales and killer whales frolicking in the water — you haven't had such "trophies" yet!

Commander Islands

Emerald-green coastal slopes, steep black rocks, traces of lava flows going into the ocean, the arch rock and the bay of gems - we will reveal to you all the secrets of the Commander Islands! And also — let's tell you where it's best to watch seals, whales, cormorants, sea lions and sea otters!


Entertainment for real extreme people! Black volcanic sand, invigorating Pacific Ocean water and waves rising to a 15-meter height — it's not for nothing that such legendary athletes as Tom Curran, Dane Gadauskas, Trevor Gordon and Kate Malloy come to Kamchatka

individual tours to Kamchatka