Kenya: Royal Reception

Connection with nature

If we could go back to childhood and fix just one thing in it, we would certainly ask our parents to take us to Kenya. Anyone who saw this magical land in childhood will always look at our planet with completely different eyes. Here you feel like part of something bigger, some grandiose plan in which a person is not a lonely superstar, but part of a friendly constellation. In the savannah, under the shadow of Mount Kenya, children will certainly feel a connection with nature and an incredible delight from meeting her — and this feeling remains with them forever.

Family holidays

Before you have time to turn on the worried parent, we hasten to assure you: in Kenya, children will be completely safe. Experienced safari guides will not allow any unpleasant accidents, there is always everything necessary for them in hotels and resorts — this applies to food, amenities, entertainment, and all kinds of educational activities.

Nothing threatens parents, even those who are used to a completely certain level of comfort. Kenyan lodges are a very special genre of hospitality: rooms stylized as camping tents are in fact no different from a room in a five—star hotel: perfect beds, luxurious, copper baths. Add to this the view of the savannah from the terrace, an outdoor rain shower, stylish design and romantic atmosphere — and you will understand why rooms in the best lodges need to be booked many months in advance.

Unique nature reserves

Kenya’s most famous nature reserve, the Maasai Mara is a country within a country. Luxury lodges are located right on the territory of the reserve, from which you go on dates with wildlife every day, or even twice a day. Lions shaking their manes, antelopes against the sunset, picnics overlooking the savannah — this is a completely different reality, with its own smells, sounds, rhythm, seasons. For romantics, a mandatory option is to fly over the reserve in a balloon: on it you can climb even higher than a flock of birds and from a height see how a herd of gazelles is rushing in some direction they only understand, how giraffes elegantly march through the bush, shaking their long necks and casting endless shadows on the ground.

Impressions for every taste

A separate topic for research is Kenyan private reservations, for example, Ol Pejeta at the foot of Mount Kenya. Here live the last two northern white rhinos in the world, which were brought to their historical homeland from the Prague Zoo. In private reserves, animals are treated no less (or maybe more) carefully than in state reserves, and all income from tourism is used to preserve and develop the ecosystem. The main difference between private properties is that there are more lenient rules for safari. For example, night tours are allowed, and jeeps can leave the trails at any time of the day: it does not harm animals, nor people. But the main thing is that there are no tourist crowds here, and all excursions are conducted for small groups. The best reservations usually border large national parks and are not separated from them by fences, so that animals can safely move from a state reserve to a private territory and back.

Stunning Kenyan Lakes

Kenyan lakes are also amazing. The salt lake Bogoria turns pink in the season from the invasion of flamingos: this vibrating, sounding, iridescent mass is able to hypnotize anyone. Bird flocks also gather on Lake Nakuru, but you can also see rhinos here and be surprised that these armored personnel carriers are actually very frisky and playful animals.

And finally, before returning home, you can plunge into the blue waters of the Indian Ocean. And stop regretting that you didn’t get here as a child. It is good here at any age, in any company and even alone. What loneliness is there when there is so much life around.