Morocco: a palette of luxury

Morocco: a palette of luxury

All the colors, sounds and aromas of the Maghreb kingdom

Morocco is the only real kingdom in the Maghreb, and the locals, even the simplest, know a lot about luxury. The local cuisine is very different from the desert cuisine of neighboring countries in the genre of “what God sent”: it is a cuisine worthy of an aristocratic table, fragrant, spiritual, refined, and better – languished for a long time in a painted tagine, and not cooked hastily in a pot.

Moroccans are spoiled: they like juicy colors, beautiful things, rich houses. Even poor Moroccans know how to sit on their donkeys like kings and wear their embroidered jellabs with royal dignity. Sensual pleasures are generally appreciated here.

Morocco smells of rose oil, coriander, rosemary, oud, mint, leather. The Moroccan’s eye should also be pleased: hence the love of saturated colors and expressive ornaments. Color and ornament are everywhere here: on ceramics, on traditional jellabs, on carved doors and beautifully tiled floors…

The rogue by the devil

Don’t be surprised if you get out of the medina with an armful of colorful granny slippers made of the softest leather and a painted tagine: the hypnosis of these alleys affects everyone. It is also impossible to stand in front of the spice palettes: I want to take with me at least a bag of fragrant ras al-Hanut spice mixture or a handful of rosebuds.

Do not regret spontaneous purchases: wearing soft grandmothers at home, you will again be transported by thoughts to riads and markets, to wise old men and women with lips the color of dried blood. And if you learn how to handle tagine, then you can enjoy Moroccan cuisine at home: lamb that melts in your mouth, royal couscous with seven types of vegetables, sweet and salty mruzia, chicken with savory salted lemons … not food – poetry!

Any day spent in Marrakech ends at the Jamaa el Fna Square. The recitative of traditional storytellers, the cries of merchants, the noise of the crowd add up to a single rhythm – the rhythm of the heart of Marrakech. However, no, and this is not the end of the day: it will end completely in the riad hotel in the palace, on an island of silence in the middle of the ringing city.

If Fez, Marrakech and other cities of Morocco are luxurious booths, then the Atlas Mountains are a completely different world, quiet and harsh. Snow-capped peaks, the Tizi-n-Tishka pass with zigzag roads and dramatic cloud shadows on the red mountains … It’s not surprising that many Hollywood films were shot in these parts – epic nature. There is even a cinema museum in the city of Ouarzazate, and the village of Ait Ben Haddu is a real movie star: “Lawrence of Arabia”, “Pearl of the Nile”, “Prince of Persia”, “The Last Temptation of Christ” and about a dozen other films were shot here – but live it cannot be compared with any 3D. At the foot of the mountains, as if trying to compensate for their severity, against the background of ancient

Where the Atlas Mountains end, the Sahara begins. And we will certainly get acquainted with her and her sunrise–colored dunes: safari, yoga, picnic with Bedouins, even surfing on the dunes – it’s easy to find a common language with this sandy sea if experienced guides are on your side.

Sands, sea, mountains, gardens, markets, colors, sounds, smells … All this will whirl you in a whirlwind of impressions, and Morocco will surely become one of the most vivid and emotional trips in your life. So once again, do not regret spontaneous purchases. You will need to touch something to believe that it was not a dream.